Wednesday, December 16, 2015


-about using joda time's DateTime to parse a UTC date.
-about using Apache Commons XMLConfiguration to drive strategy
-about one pattern for using strategies in a Java Spring Application:
in beans file add:
    <bean id="byWhichMeansStrategyFactory" class="com.awgtek.byWhichMeansStrategyFactory" factory-method="createStrategy">
<constructor-arg index="0"  ref="myXmlConfig" />
<constructor-arg index="1" type="java.lang.String">
    <bean id="MyImpl" class="com.awgtek.DoesSomethingImpl">
        <constructor-arg index="0" ref="byWhichMeansStrategyFactory" />
The createStrategy method would instantiate the correct strategy class basd on the "this_means" value. The injected strategy would then be used to e.g. pick a consultant either through "cheapness" defined by some parameters in the strategy or skill, etc. see

-about using Guava, e.g. to import static to do checkNotNull statements where needed.